Real Estate is the new Oil.

According to statistics, Nigeria’s housing deficit as of 2018 was 19 million units. Can you guess the figure now? Currently, it’s around 29 million units!
The recent flood-displaced about 3 million people from their homes and the population keeps surging daily(we are close to hitting 250 million in population).
An average Nigerian cannot access funds for housing not to mention the land use acts.
These problems pose more responsibility on the real estate sector. Thus the need to onboard professional realtors and mitigate these problems.
With your collaboration, we can help millions of Nigeria get access to mortgages, acquire properties and build their dream home.
Zig Ziglar said: “
You can have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want.”
This is an opportunity to earn more by doing less and making an impact.
Real estate has turned many diligent individuals into overnight millionaires and you are about to join the queue.
You don’t have to leave your career or 9-5 job, in short being an entrepreneur is what makes you the best candidate